Don’t dismiss low-volume search terms just yet

Ashley Amber Sava

Don’t dismiss low-volume search terms just yet

Low-volume search terms might be the way.

Guys, I’m willing to go down with this ship. 

Regardless of what you’ve heard, some of the best content marketing opportunities are found in topics with search volume that’s knee-high to a grasshopper.

I know what you’re thinking: Why, Ashley? How could that be possible? Isn’t the best organic content strategy found in high volume, low competition search terms?

Sometimes. But low volume, high-intent search terms can produce much more impressive results. 

Address specific, hard-to-find topics

If you’re always searching for information and content ideas based on what’s already out there, you are missing out on some chances to go super niche. Your prospects are probably searching for extremely specific things, and they can’t get the help they need because the content doesn’t exist. That’s because other marketers aren’t paying attention. Since the search volume is low, marketers brush these topics aside and decide it’s just not worth their time and efforts. 

So what can that do for you? Blasting out quality content with low volume, high intent terms can expedite your ranking efforts. If you’re willing to step in and fill the void, you might win some excellent leads.

Some of the best organic content comes from super niche topics. These days, Google is putting a lot more emphasis on the comprehensiveness of content and rewarding those who cover topics to the fullest extent. 

Don’t forget your real purpose

low-volume search terms

And remember why you’re actually publishing content, too. Targeting keywords isn’t always about traffic. Instead, your goal should be to publish content that helps give your brand credibility by adding value for your audience. 

Look for long-tail keywords with a high-volume keyword. With the rise of conversational search and applications such as voice search, long-tail SEO strategies are becoming more critical by the day. 

So how can you be more proactive about generating content ideas this way? First, think about things inside your industry and conduct some of your own Google searches. Then, when you start finding gaps in what’s available on the web, be the person or the business who provides the answers. 

Ready to publish content that stands out? Let’s work together!